An inch is TWELVE times as short as a foot, and ELEVEN times AS SHORT as a foot.
No. 1 inch is shorter than 1 foot.
A decimeter is most definitely shorter than half of a foot. A decimeter is .1 centimeter and there are 15.24 centimeters in 6 inches which is half of a foot.
8 inches is shorter than 3 quarter of a foot.
12 inches = 1 foot
An inch is TWELVE times as short as a foot, and ELEVEN times AS SHORT as a foot.
An inch is one-twelfth of one foot.
A foot is 1/3 times shorter than one yard, since three feet makes a yard.
1 foot is less than 1 yard
1 foot is THREE TIMES shorter than a yard because a yard is equivalent to 3 feet.
One foot is two feet shorter than one yard.
A foot is shorter than a yard.
As the question stands, then such measurements as inches, decimetres, centimetres and millimetres are all shorter than a foot and shorter than a metre.If the question should have been, What is longer than a foot but shorter than a metre? then then answer is a yard.
No. 1 inch is shorter than 1 foot.