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You should proofread it at least twice yourself, then have one or two other people proofread it as well because it is always helpful for fresh eyes to see the document.

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Q: How many times should you proofread a document?
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Tamara can proofread 12 pages in 6 minutes. How many minutes will it take her to proofread 96 pages?


How many minutes will it take to proofread 96 pages if you can proofread 12 pages in 6 minutes?

It will take 48 minutes to proofread 96 pages. Since you can proofread 12 pages in 6 minutes, you can proofread 96 pages in 48 minutes (12 pages x 8 = 96 pages).

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Since it takes her 1 minute to proof 2 pages, divide 96 by 2. 48 minutes.

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A teacher can go to the website to have their worksheets proofread and also to help the student with learning how to properly proofread worksheets. There are many other websites that are available for teachers to learn how to proofread or they can also use "SpellCheck" option on their program they are using to type up their worksheets.

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You know I spent 20 minutes laughing at this question. My suggestion to you is if your going to post a question, you might think to proofread it first.

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you won't always be allowed to open a document and you will have to click on the document many times befor opening.

Tamara can proofread 12 pages in 6 minutes. Howe many minutes will it take her to proffread 96 pages?

It will take 96/12 = 8 and 8 times 6 = 48 minutes

What steps should I take to be a proofreader?

There are many little tips and tricks on how to proofread correctly. I suggest checking this website for further explanation on proofreading tips:

How many times is the word naked used in the Bible?

It would vary based on the version of the Bible you are considering. Aside from that, it should be fairly easy to find whichever version you choose online and paste it into a Word Document, then use the Word Find tool to determine how many times it appears.