To calculate how many times 28 will go into 70, you would perform the division 70 ÷ 28. The quotient is 2 with a remainder of 14. Therefore, 28 will go into 70 exactly 2 times, with a remainder of 14.
The largest whole number that can go into these three number, 28, 42, and 70 is:142 times 14 equals 283 times 14 equals 425 times 14 equals 70Or it could be 28 if you allowed non-whole numbers in the equation:1 times 28 equals 281.5 times 28 equals 422.5 times 28 equals 70
70 times.
9 with remainder 40.
3 times with a remainder of 1
10000/70 = 1426/7 times.
28 goes into 70 twice with a remainder of 14 or as 2.5
The largest whole number that can go into these three number, 28, 42, and 70 is:142 times 14 equals 283 times 14 equals 425 times 14 equals 70Or it could be 28 if you allowed non-whole numbers in the equation:1 times 28 equals 281.5 times 28 equals 422.5 times 28 equals 70
70 times.
9 with remainder 40.
Exactly 28 times
3 times with a remainder of 1
10000/70 = 1426/7 times.
66 goes into 70 1.06060606 times
It goes: 70/8 = 8.75 times
7 goes into 28 4 times
exactly 28 times
182/28 = 6.5 times