To calculate how many times 60 will go into 288, you simply divide 288 by 60. The result is 4.8, which means that 60 will go into 288 exactly 4 times with a remainder of 48. This is because 4 multiplied by 60 equals 240, and when you subtract 240 from 288, you are left with 48.
288/30= 9.6 30 can go into 288 9.6 times
32 times
9.6 times.
10 times
8 times. 36x8=288 or 288 divided by 8= 36.
Exactly 16 times
Well, darling, 3 goes into 288 a total of 96 times. It's simple division, honey, just divide 288 by 3 and you'll get your answer. Math doesn't have to be a headache, sugar, just do the math and move on with your fabulous self.
18 times.