1/2 kilo is 17.637 ounces.
Kilo- means thousand 1,000 metre = 1 kilometre
1000 kilo litres are in 1 Mega Litre
The same as how many dates in a 1000
1000 litres in a kilolitre (kilo means thousand (1000 kilometers in a meter))
125 tons is equal to 250,000 pounds.
353.43 short (US) tons is 320,626kg
In the US, 0.8 tons is 726kg In the UK, 0.8 tons is 813kg
1,500 kg
About the weight of my penis.
1 kilogram = 0.001 tonnes.
One hundred metric tons is equal to 100,000 kilograms.
125 pounds = 0.0625 tons
None. A 1000 Kilograms is equivilant to 1 tonne.
1/8 kg = 125 grams
125 US tons is 250,000 pounds.
1/2 US ton is 1,000 pounds or about 454 kilos.