6 different combinations can be made with 3 items
It is elementary division.
0 pairs
12 has 3 factor pairs and the pairs are (1,12), (2,6) and (3,4).
It has 6 possible pairs of sides, although all the pairs will look the same. It has 6 possible pairs of angles, although all the pairs will look the same.
Four unique pairs.
five pairs
In order to draw a straight line, two unique ordered pairs are needed. This is because two unique points determine a line and an ordered pair represents a point.
All pairs of two primes are coprime. There are fifteen primes under 50. So that means there are 105 unique pairs of "coprime primes", or more generally, pairs of primes, under 50.
Many things including his own son!
CR7 made i think more than 50 pairs of nike
Analogies are often made up of two pairs.
6 different combinations can be made with 3 items