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Q: How many vertices does a 20 sided prism have?
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How many vertices has a decagonal prism?

20 vertices.

How many faces does a prism with 20 vertices have?

Oh, dude, a prism with 20 vertices has 10 faces. Each face of the prism connects two of the vertices, so you gotta divide the total number of vertices by 2 to get the number of faces. Math can be pretty chill when you break it down like that.

How many vertices does a decagonal prism have?

A decagonal prism has 20 vertices: 10 at each end.

How many vertices for a decagonal prism?

A decagonal prism has 20 vertices: 10 at each end.

How many many vertices would a 20 sided polygon have?

A polygon has as many vertices as it has sides and so in this case it will have 20 vertices.

What 3D shape has 20 vertices?

There are many options. Some of these are: A pyramid with a base that is a 19 sided polygon; A dipyramid with a "centre" that is an 18 sided polygon; A prism with decagonal bases.

How many vertices does a 20-sided polygon have?

20 of them.

A 20 sided polygon has how many vertices?

It has 20 vertices, the same as the number of sides.

How many vertices on a pentagram prism?

A pentagram is a five pointed star and has 10 vertices. So, a pentagram prism has 20 vertices. This is NOT the same as a pentagonal prism.

How many vertices would there be if you had a 20-sided polygon?

A 20-sided polygon is called an icosagon. In geometry, a polygon with n sides has n vertices. Therefore, a 20-sided polygon would have 20 vertices. Each vertex represents a point where two sides of the polygon intersect.

A prism has 20 vertices how many faces and edges does it have?


How many vertices does a decagonal?

It depends on a decagonal what. A decagonal prism has 20 vertices. A decagonal pyramid has 11 vertices.