Thinking for less than a minute I come up with 3 (not counting rotations and mirrorings)
Thinking for another minute I come up with an infinite number.
The assignment is asking: A swuare with a side of 4 feet needs to be cut into four parts that are the same in size. Can you find six different ways to cut the square? Using the squares below, draw six different ways the square could be cut. Hint: The parts might not have the same shape.
We have already found 4.
Infinite ways
with a knife... lol... sorry couldn't help it
It has four (4) of them.
It depends on evenly into how many parts!
The centre of the square is where the two diagonals meet. Take any point on the boundary of the square. Draw a straight line from that point , through the centre of the square, to the other side of the square. This line divides the square into two halves of identical shape and size. Since there are infinitely many points along the side of the square, there are infinitely man solutions.
Infinite ways
Only once, there will only be eights parts however you divide it.
Three are congruent.
A triangle has 6 parts ... 3 sides and 3 angles. It's possible for two triangles to have as many as 3 of their parts congruent, and the triangles still not be congruent.
with a knife... lol... sorry couldn't help it
A square has only one 'face'.
It has four (4) of them.