There are 34 weeks and 2 days in 240 days.
There is one week and three days in 240 hours. Each day contains 24 hours. 240 hours is equal to 10 days.
There are 52 weeks in a year. Therefore, 240 weeks is equal to 240/52 = 4 remainder 32 or four years 32 weeks.
77 days = 11 weeks
There are 13 weeks in 91 days.
There are 784 days in 112 weeks.
34 weeks and 2 days.
240 hours is 10 days, so that is 1 week and 3 days.
There is one week and three days in 240 hours. Each day contains 24 hours. 240 hours is equal to 10 days.
There are five business days per week. Given 240/5= 48, 240 days span 48 weeks. Since there are 7 days per week 48 weeks covers 336 calendar days. Therefore, 240 business days = 336 calendar days. This answer excludes holidays, which might add 5 to 10 days if considered.
There are 52 weeks in a year. Therefore, 240 weeks is equal to 240/52 = 4 remainder 32 or four years 32 weeks.
there are ten days in 240 hours
240 days = 20,736,000 seconds.
8 hours per day x 5 days a week = 40 hours per week40 hours per week x 6 weeks = 240 hours in six weeksRose works 240 hours in six weeks.
there are 560 days in 80 weeks
24 X 240= 5760
There are 24 hours in a day:24 hours * X days = 240 hoursTo complete this equation, there must be 240 hours in 10 days.There are 240/24 = 10 days