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36 to 42 weeks is considered full-term. Anything before 36 weeks is considered premature. Preemies have all sorts of problems. Generally, the earlier the baby, the greater the risk of complications.

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Q: How many weeks in pregnanacy is safe for delivery?
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Is it safe to deliver at 35 weeks?

It is generally safe to go for delivery by 36 weeks. When indicated like in preeclampsia, you may go for delivery at 35 weeks. You may have to put the baby in premature baby unit to give that extra care.

Is 37weeks full term?

40 weeks is true full term but most Dr's consider 36 to 37 weeks "full term" and safe for delivery.

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I think it is 4 minutes after delivery but the safe limit is 2 minutes.

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This is not good because the weight of the baby will put pressure on the cervix and may open and will have a premature delivery.

Is ganoderma safe to be used at the time of conceiving and throughout pregnancy ie right from first trimester to the deliveryif one has been taking ganoderma for past 1year?

From what I've read, ganoderma is safe and actually positive for your pregnancy up to about three weeks before delivery and three weeks after delivery. And I quote: "...the fungus insignificantly dilutes blood and it is not recommended to take its products 3 weeks before and 3 weeks after operations and deliveries. Dilution is not very noticeable in everyday life - even after a cut and it is in no way dangerous to life." Because we are at a higher risk of clotting during pregnancy because our blood is thicker, I can see how this wouldn't be an issue until one was close to their delivery date. Other than that, ganoderma has no known side effects, and has proven to be a healthy supplement for both mommy and baby. :)

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The female dog should always be bigger than the male! This ensures safe delivery! You shouldn't be breeding your dog If you do not know this

Can you get treated for chlamydia at 37 weeks pregnant?

Absolutely. There are effective and safe treatments, and it would be best for a pregnant woman to get treated before delivery. Please talk with your prenatal health care provider about this matter as soon as possible.

Is it safe to autoclave paraffin oil?

I Think it is saf as it help baby for fast delivery , the doctor recommecnd me to take it when my delivery date late

Is it safe to take phenergan before your six weeks pregnant?

Yes. This drug is totally safe in pregnancy. So many times it is used to prevent morning sickness in pregnancy.

How many weeks past a due date is safe?

your baby is safe from conception to delivery if you eat right well balanced meals, take your prenatal vitamins, and get moderate exercise for 30 min three times a week. See your OB doctor and he will keep you posted. Joymaker RN

Would the delivery is fast in

fast i know .i bought from it .it also safe