There are 999 whole numbers less than 1000. Whole numbers are all the positive integers starting from 1 up to 999. The number 1000 is not included because it is not less than 1000. So, the total count of whole numbers less than 1000 is 999.
One of them.
From 1 (inclusive) to 1000(inclusive,) 750.
6500 to 7499 -- 1000 numbers
428 of them.
Both 10 and 1000 are individual whole numbers.
There are 900 three-digit whole numbers between 1 and 1000
There are 30 whole numbers that are odd numbers less than 60 which are also positive. Otherwise, there are infinitely many of them.
1000 numbers. From 19,500 to 20,499 all round to 20,000
168 are.
One of them.
There are 168 prime numbers less than 1,000.
From 1 (inclusive) to 1000(inclusive,) 750.