11 years
There are 132 months in eleven years.
There are: 119/12 = 9 years and 11 months
3 years and 11/12 of a year (fraction) 3.91666667 years (decimal)
19.07 generations
107.14 years
On average, there are about 25 generations in a span of 1000 years.
A generation is anywhere between 20 and 30 years. 15 generations would be up to 300 years
On average, 11 percent of DNA is inherited from a common ancestor around 5 generations back.
11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.11 years.
Godzilla Generations was created on 1998-11-27.
Sonic Generations was created on 2011-11-01.
There are: 11*10 = 110 years
11 years = 347,126,186 seconds