A century. You also have a decade (10 years) and a milenium (1000 years).
The easy assumption is to multiply 52 (weeks in a year) x 1,000,000= 52,000,000 weeks. But this does not account for leap years and such. It is typically said that 1 year = 52 weeks, but actually it is 52 weeks + 1 day for most years (leap years have an extra day) On average a year has 365.25 days (1/4 day for the extra day every 4 years). But on each century year, there is no 'leap day', with the exception of milenium years. So each century has 365 * 100 + 24 (leap year days) = 36524 days in a century. Each milenium has (36524 * 10 centuries) + 1 leap day = 365241 days per thousand years. Since 1 million = 1000 * 1000, we have 365241 * 1000 = 365,241,000 days in 1 million years. Then divide 365,241,000 days by 7 (days in a week) = 52,177,285.71429 weeks
my question was- HOW MANY YEARS ARE THERE IN 292 DAYS?
A thousand years
A billion years equals a billion years. 1,000,000,000 years
Milli- is thousand Millennium is 1,000 years
100 years in a milenium
A century. You also have a decade (10 years) and a milenium (1000 years).
FK Nov Milenium was created in 2006.
A millennium year consists of one thousand years. For example, the millennium can start in 2000 and will end in 3000.
yes. In milenium mall.
george washington
Milenium force at cedar point sandusky ohio
There are many vast areas where pitbulls can be kept and people keep keeping pitbulls where they are banned. The pitbull terriers will be alive for the milenium.
In a milenium there are none.However, in a millennium, there are approximately31,557,600,000 (32.6 billion) of them. The exact number will depend on the number of leap seconds.Between 1972 and 2012 a leap second has been inserted about every 18 months on average. However, unlike leap days which appear every fourth year (with an adjustment for Century years), leap seconds are not spaced evenly. There were 9 leap seconds in the 8-year period 1972-1979 but none in the 7-year period covering 1999 to 2005 (both inclusive).
By the time Jesus was living in nazareth, all species that became stinct in the last milenium were living still but most of the this species were from other regions.