"Jillion" is an informal, slang word that's used to mean "really big number". It has no formal mathematical definition, and it's not a number that can be written, or used for ordinary arithmetic operations.
A gazillion is a fictitious number, as are a Zillion, and Jillion.
Any number multiplied by zero is equal to zero. Think of it this way - if you have 13 lots of zero, you still have zero. However many lots of zero you have, you have zero.
There are 9 zeros.
There is no such number.
about 5 jillion i believe
jillions dont exist
1 Illinois jillion
About a jillion. You are in big trouble.
No, it is not.
"Jillion" is an informal, slang word that's used to mean "really big number". It has no formal mathematical definition, and it's not a number that can be written, or used for ordinary arithmetic operations.
2 billion katrillion ish million billionhillion jillion ishish
A gazillion is a fictitious number, as are a Zillion, and Jillion.