Eight hundred thousand is 800,000; it has five (5) zeros.
10 Crore or Hundred Million has 8 zeros.
$600.000.000 is six hundred million, and there are 8 zeros.
300,000 has 5 zeroes.
The digit whose place value is at the hundred thousand is 7. If the number after it is 5 or more, round the 7 upto 8 and replace all numbers after the seven by zeros. If the number after it is 4 or less then simply replace all numbers after the seven by zeros. So here the number after the one in the hundred thousand place is 8 which is greater than 5, so 7 gets rounded up and the answer is 800 000
8 zeros: 100,000,000
There are 8 zeros.
10 Crore or Hundred Million has 8 zeros.
$800,000,00 has 8 zeros
$600.000.000 is six hundred million, and there are 8 zeros.
In English speaking countries there are 9 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000In other countries there may be 12 zeros in three billion.3,000,000,000,000In England, an English speaking country, a billion = one million, million (12 zeros).6 zeros is a million, 7 zeros is ten million, 8 zeros is a hundred million,9 zeros is a thousand million, 10 zeros is ten thousand million,11 zeros is a hundred thousand million. 12 zeros is a million million = a BILLION.In North American usage a billion = a thousand, million. (9 zeros).Nine, if you write it as 3,000,000,000 .Two, if you write it as 3.0 x 109 .
100,000,000it has 8 zeros. one million has six zeros and one hundred has two zeros. 6+2=8
ITS ABOUT 8 zeros. Standard form/number form:500,000,000
100,000,000 which makes 8 of them