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Britain now uses the short scale billion which has 9 zeros.


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Q: How many zeros in a UK billion?
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How many zeros are in 75 billion?

There are 9 zeros in 75 billion in the US and current UK short scale. This is 75,000,000,000. There are 12 zeros in 75 billion in the older UK long scale. This is 75,000,000,000,000.

How many zeros are there in UK billion?

The value 1 billion regardless of whether it is 1 billion in the US, UK or Canada is always: 1,000,000,000

How many zeros are in nine hundred billion?

In the UK there are million = 6 zeros trillion = 9 zeros billion = 12 zeros and 2 zeros in 9 hundred so 12 + 2 = 14

How many zeros is their in a billion?

There are nine zeros in a billion.

How many zeros are in on billion?

how many zeros in one billion

How many zeros are in a biliion billion?

There are 9 zeros in one billion

A billion equals how many zeros?

1 billion has 9 zeros.

How many zeros are there in 90 billion?

In 90 billion, there are 9 zeros. This is because a billion has 9 zeros (1,000,000,000), and when you multiply 90 by a billion, you get 90 billion, which retains the 9 zeros from the billion.

How many zeros are there on the end of a billion?

9, in the US and current UK short scale. 12, in the older UK long scale.

How many digits in a billion billion?

In the US:1 billion = 1091 billion billion = 1018That's '1' followed by 18 zeros, for a grand total of 19 digits.But in the UK:1 billion = 10121 billion billion = 1024That's '1' followed by 24 zeros, for a grand total of 25 digits.

How many zeros are in 70 billion?

A billion is 1 followed by nine zeros 70 billion thus has 10 zeros 70,000,000,000

How many zeros does 16 billion have?

There are 9 zeros in 16,000,000,000 which is 16 billion