To calculate how many times 2 goes into 180, you would perform the division operation 180 ÷ 2. The result is 90, indicating that 2 goes into 180 90 times. This can be understood by dividing 180 into 2 equal groups, with each group containing 90.
2 goes into 18 = 9 2 goes into 0 = 0 2 goes into 180 = 90
It goes in 7.2 times, or 7 times with a remainder of 5.
(sides-2)*180=the total angle of the shape. So octagon (8-2)*180=1080 Just like a triangle (3-2)*180
Exactly 3 times
2 goes into 360 180 times.
84: 2, 3, 7 180: 2, 3, 5
The prime factors of 180 are 2, 3, and 5 .
It goes in 7.2 times, or 7 times with a remainder of 5.
5 yards
84 goes into 180 2.143 times (rounded).
180 * 2 = 360 * 3 = 1080
1, 2 and 4
(sides-2)*180=the total angle of the shape. So octagon (8-2)*180=1080 Just like a triangle (3-2)*180
Exactly 3 times
2 goes into 360 180 times.
2, 3 and 5