For sake of simplicity, following rate is used to calculate,
1 USD = 50 INR
Actual current rate can be found from Google.
25 crores INR = 25,00,00,000 INR
25,00,00,000 / 50 = USD
~= $5,000,000 USD
In the Indian number system, a lakh is equal to 100,000 and a crore is equal to 10,000,000. Rs is an abbreviation for the rupee, the currency of India, Pakistan, and Hyrule. Therefore rs 2 crore 50 lakh is equal to 25,000,000 rupees, which is currently equal to 557,098.33 American dollars.
100 CRORE DOLLAR IS EQUAL TO Rs. 49,340 CRORE (Forty Nine Thousand Core Rupees.)
12.2 kgs in case of Old notes 12.0 kgs in case of new notes
$ 10 billion ( @ 1USD = Rs 50)
166090 US Dollars.
$635,000 dollars us
How much is 70 crores in USD
USD 20 Bn
1 million
307 million $
In the Indian number system, a lakh is equal to 100,000 and a crore is equal to 10,000,000. Rs is an abbreviation for the rupee, the currency of India, Pakistan, and Hyrule. Therefore rs 2 crore 50 lakh is equal to 25,000,000 rupees, which is currently equal to 557,098.33 American dollars.
$ 217,000. with the 1$ = 46 Rupees
60 Million 60million rupees or 1.33million USD approximately
600 crore (If takes as 1 $ = Rs.50)