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100 times 3 divided by 10 plus 25 subtract 5 EQUALS 50 unless there are parentheses...

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Q: How much is 100 times 3 divide by 10 plus 25 - 5?
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10 - 5/0.5 + 16(4) + 20 + 100 - (100)^(0.5) = 10 - 10 + 64 + 120 - 10 = 174 Your wording is confusing so this may not be the correct answer.

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The total is(2.89) times (1 + the tax percentage/100)

How To Work Out Percentages?

To work out 10%, just divide it by 10. To work out 1%, just divide it by 100. To work out 16%, just A) Work out 10% (divide by 10), then work out 6% (divide by 100, times by 6) and add the two together B) Divide by 100, times the result by 16.This applies for all numbers. To work out 90%, just A) Work out 10% and take it away B) Divide by 100, times the result by 90 C) Work out 10%, times by 9.

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100/8 = 12.5 times