A decimal number is simply a way of representing a number in such a way that the place value of each digit is ten times that of the digit to its right. A decimal representation does not require a decimal point. So the decimal representation of 14 is 14, exactly as in the question.
The decimal form of 14 is simply 14.0
the square root of 14 has no simplest form without making a long decimal.
It is: 14/100 plus 14/10 = 77/50 in its simplest form or 1.54 as a decimal
decimal form of 14/15 = 0.933314/15= 14 ÷ 15= 0.9333 in decimal
14/40 in decimal form is 0.35
The decimal form of 14 is simply 14.0
5/14 in decimal form is 0.357142857, with the "142857" being the recurring part of the decimal.
To convert a percentage to a decimal, you divide the percentage by 100. So, to convert 14 percent to a decimal, you would divide 14 by 100, which equals 0.14. Therefore, 14 percent in decimal form is 0.14.
14/20 = 0.7
14 62/100 is 14.16 in decimal form.
14/16 = 0.875
The decimal equivalent would be 0.28