There are 280 nickels in 14 dollars. To calculate this, you convert the dollars to cents (14 dollars = 1400 cents) and then divide by the value of a nickel in cents (5 cents). This gives you 1400 cents / 5 cents = 280 nickels.
10000 nickels would be worth: $500
55 nickels
How much are 63 nickels worth?63 nickels are worth US$3.15.
14 nickels = 70 cents 3 dimes = 30 cents 14 nickels + 3 dimes = 1.00
All U.S nickels, save for war nickels dated 1942-45, contain 75% copper and 25% nickel. As of 14 December 2013, U.S. nickels have a melt value of 4.46 cents.
8 nickels 14 pennies 5 dimes and 6 quarters equals $2.54
One bank box of nickels is $100, which is 2,000 nickels.
14:24, 7:12
There are 40 nickels or $2 worth of nickels in a roll, so at the bank a roll of nickels costs $2
350 dollars is 7000 nickels.