Converting pounds to liters is not a straightforward conversion as pounds measure weight and liters measure volume. However, if you are looking to convert 15 pounds of water to liters, you can use the fact that 1 pound of water is approximately 0.454 liters. Therefore, 15 pounds of water would be approximately 6.81 liters.
It depends on the measured content, because they are measurements for different things. Pounds measures weight, litres measures volume, so they aren't entirely interoperable. As you know, 15lbs of marshmallow is totally different size in volume compared to 15lbs of gold. But for example water is easy to count, because 1 liter = 1kg, and 15lbs = 6.8kg, so 15lbs of water would be 6.8 litres
For 300 people, and an average of 15lbs per turkey with each person eating about 1¼ lbs, you would need about 25 turkeys. Here is my math: 1¼ pp X 300 people = 375 lbs. 375lbs/15lbs per turkey = 25 turkeys Note: This is all theoretical; I do not know how much turkey 300 people will eat.
16 fluid ounces = approximately 0.473 liters.
answer = 14 liters Solution: 8 * 1.75 = 14
Your question is nonsense as:millimeters are a unit of length; whereasliters are a unit of volumeIf you meant "How much is 20000 milliliters in liters?":milli- prefix means one thousandth (1/1000)→ 20000 milliliters = 20000 x 1/1000 liters= 20 liters
Two liters are 4/4. 1/4 is going to be 2/4 Liters and 3/4 is gong to be 6/4 Liters which translates to 1.5 Liters
About 10-15lbs.
15lbs is 6.8kg
i think 10-15lbs
15 pounds is equal to 6.8 kilograms.
2 large 25lbs turkey or 3 15lbs should be enough
15lbs for solo and about 22 lbs for 2 up
15lbs of weight on a square surface 1 inch wide & 1 inch long.
The full form of lbs in 15lbs pressure is pounds. It is a unit of measurement used to express force or weight.
About half their weight; which would be a max of about 15lbs, so maybe 6-7lbs carrying capacity.
from google2.25 Liters