The fraction 1/5 should translate to 0.2
A fifth of a number or 1/5 of a number is a fractious way of saying 20% (percentage) or .2 (decimal)
One fifth plus one fifth is two fifths (2/5).
A gallon of wine by definition is the same as 1 US fluid gallon (unlike a gallon of beer, which, is larger).So: One Fifth of Wine = 1/5 Gallon (US Fluid) = 757.082357mL
1 quarter is 25% larger than 1 fifth.
1/50 th
Yes, saying a fifth is just the same as saying 1 fifth. much like saying i want a sweet or i want one sweet.
The fraction 1/5 should translate to 0.2
A fifth of a number or 1/5 of a number is a fractious way of saying 20% (percentage) or .2 (decimal)
1/5 of 2.20 is 0.44
1/5 of $1100 = $220
1/5 of 25 is 5.
1/5 of 400 is 80.
1/5 of 25 is 5
One fifth plus one fifth is two fifths (2/5).