There are 20 hours in 1 score
A score is another word for 20.
1 year and 8 months is equal to 1 score. You can also write it as 1.75 years or 1 and 3/4 years. 1 score is equal to 20 months.
A score is 20, so 4 score would be 80.
1 decade has 10 years and 1 score has 20 years, therefor there are 2 decades in a score.
1 score = 20. It doesn't matter what 1 gross is.
it will be $1 please
The score was 1-1.
A score as a number is 20
1 score = 20 years 1 score = 20 years
As you increase score by adding 1 relative to your previous score, you subtract score by adding -1 relative to your previous score.
There are 20 hours in 1 score
1 score = 20
A score is another word for 20.
A score is another word for 20.
A score is 20, so 4 score would be 80.
2 score is 40 because 1 score is 20