Ten times a hundred thousand dollars makes a million dollars 10x100,000 = 1,000,000
How much is five hundred naira into 2 places
2.50 x 1000000 = 2500000 (2,500,000 two million, five hundred thousand)
1 million = 1,000,000 (thousand times thousand is one million) 1.1 million = 1,100,000.
one million two hundred thousand
Nineteen million, five hundred thousand times eight and five tenths equals one hundred sixty-five million, seven hundred fifty thousand.
How much is five hundred naira into 2 places
Ten times a hundred thousand dollars makes a million dollars 10x100,000 = 1,000,000
ten thousand times one hundred fifty six= one million, five hundred sixty thousand
200,000 x 1,000 = 200,000,000 ie Two hundred million.
2.50 x 1000000 = 2500000 (2,500,000 two million, five hundred thousand)
Two million, four hundred ninety-five thousand
Thirty million.
3.5 million five hundred thousand us dollars
three thousand thousand thousand thousand thousand hundred and zero
One million, five hundred thousand.