It depends on the tax rate. If tax is say 8.25% then 39.99 plus tax is 39.99 + 0.0825(39.99), which rounds to 43.29.
How much is 349 plus 0.6 tax
That depends on the tax rate.
That depends on the tax rate.
That depends on the tax rate.
It will be $7.50 plus ($7.50 x (tax rate)). If you have a tax rate of 6% it would be $7.95.
3999 + 1 = 400
105.00 plus tax
How much is 349 plus 0.6 tax
That depends how much the tax is.
That depends on how much the tax is.
It depends on what % the tax is.
5203 - 3999 = 1,204
Depends on the tax rate. e.g. 100 plus 20% tax = 120
That all depends on the tax-rate. The question is asking "How much is 499.99 plus more ?"
That depends on the tax rate.
That depends on the tax rate.
depends on the rate of tax