Three liters is equivalent to 3.0 liters in decimals. When converting units of volume to decimals, you keep the whole number value the same and add a decimal point with zero as the decimal value. This helps maintain accuracy and precision in measurements.
3 litres is a perfectly good answer in decimals. There is no need to add a decimal point simply for the sake of adding one.
In most countries, you will use them when you handle money, as in $2.50. Quantities on products are also sometimes expressed in decimals, e.g. "1.5 kilograms" or "2.2 liters".
there are 3 types of decimals. Terminating Non Terminating and Reoccuring
Two liters are 4/4. 1/4 is going to be 2/4 Liters and 3/4 is gong to be 6/4 Liters which translates to 1.5 Liters
3 . 14
4 decimals: 1.0033 3 decimals: 1.003 2 decimals: 1.00
247.86 rounded to 2 decimals
no...litre is a metric unit of measurement...decimals are just numbers
You divide the number of half-liters by 2.
Three liters is 101.44 fluid ounces.
With a liter being 1.0 L, 3 milliliters is three-thousandths, or .003 L
0.05 litres.
3 liters of water is 3 liters of water since the s.g of water is exactly 1. this is only so for water and for none other liquid.
3 to 4 liters of water
3000 cc is equivalent to 3 liters of liquid removed from your lungs.
I assume you mean how many litres are 4200 millilitres. This is 4.2 litres
3 liters