3 pounds is equal to 1.360777 kilograms.3 lbs (Pounds) is equal to 1.36077711 kgs exactly as 1 lbs is equal to 0.45359237 grams
Apples/Cost = 12/6 = 2 So 3 pounds of apples would cost 3/2 = 1.5 units.
how much is$49.99 in pounds
$499.00 in pounds
220 inches = 181/3 feet 220 inch pounds = 181/3 foot pounds
I would make 12 pounds IF it is a side dish, or about 35 pounds if it is the main dish.
McDonalds uses 20,000 gallons of mustard a year.
eight pounds
For 200 people, you'd need around 3 gallons of macaroni salad.
36 pounds
5 pounds of macaroni should be enough to feed 20 people. Depending on appetite each pound can feed between 4 and 5 people.
I think 4 ounces is enough as a side. That would mean about 38 pounds of mac'n cheese.
If it is a pre- entree salad, then about 36 pounds will do it. - If it is the main course, at least 80 pounds
9 stones 3 pounds is equivalent to 129 pounds.
3 pounds 3 pounds 3 pounds
3 cups dry macaroni
3 to 4 pounds