55 nickels
How much are 63 nickels worth?63 nickels are worth US$3.15.
350 dollars is 7000 nickels.
How many dollar's in 30.000 nickels
$2 for the nickels (40 nickels) $.50 for the pennies ( 50 pennies)
There are 6000 nickels in 12000 grams, as each nickel weighs 5 grams.
10000 nickels would be worth: $500
55 nickels
How much are 63 nickels worth?63 nickels are worth US$3.15.
6000 lb=6000*453=2718000gms=2718kgs.
One bank box of nickels is $100, which is 2,000 nickels.
There are 40 nickels or $2 worth of nickels in a roll, so at the bank a roll of nickels costs $2
350 dollars is 7000 nickels.
How many dollar's in 30.000 nickels
100 nickels is 5 dollars^-^
There are 20 nickels in 1 dollar.