It depends on how much money you're talking about. For example, 60% of ten dollars is $6.00. To figure it out multiply .60 (60% in decimal form) by the amount of money.
Ex. Let's say I want to find 60% of $153.00. I would multiply .60 by 153.00:
.60 x $153.00 = $91.80
So 60% of $153.00 is $91.80.
60% of 45 = 27
60 percent
15 percent of 60 = 915% of 60= 15% * 60= 0.15 * 60= 9
60 percent .
60 / 80 x 100 = £75
60 ÷ 100 × 150 = 90
60% of 400= 60% * 400= 0.06 * 400= 24
60 percent of people get braces