250 cc of water is equivalent to 250 milliliters or 0.25 liters. This volume measurement is commonly used in the medical field for medications and fluids. It is important to note that 1 cc (cubic centimeter) is equal to 1 milliliter.
No. 1cc = 1cm3 = 1mLAnswer:A gram of water is 1 cc. A mg of water is 1/1000 of a cc. (These numbers change slightly as the water changes in temperature.)
One ml is also 1 cc. Ml and cc are the same.
0.6 cc is about 1/8 of a teaspoonful.
15 CC = 1 Tablespoon, so 50CC = 3.33333333333333.
700 cc is a measure of volume (like a gallon or a quart).A pound is a measure of weight or force.The two cannot be converted directly into each other. But perhaps if you said what was inside the 700 cc container, someone could guess how much it might weigh.
cc stands for cubic centimeter. It is a unit of volume equivalent to a milliliter. A pound is a unit of weight. A cc of water weighs less than a cc of, say, iron. So 700cc of water would weigh less than 700cc of iron would.
700 cc is equivalent to approximately 23.67 fluid ounces.
About 50hp
That is 28.34 cc of water.
5.07 Fl oz. or about a lttle more than one half cup liquid measurement.
Cubic centimeters are a measure of volume. Inches are a measure of length or distance. 700 cc = 42.7166 cubic inches.
700 cc is equivalent to approximately 23.67 fluid ounces.
I think 700 cc or .7 Liters
1 cc is equal to 1ml. 1 tablespoon is about 14ml. or 14 cc.
1 tablespoon will hold 15 cc of water.
50 cc water is 1.764 ounces