The total of their value is 15 cents. ($0.15)
A dime is the equivalent of 10 cents, while a nickel coin is worth 5 cents.
A nickel equals 5 cents; the dime 10 cents. Two nickels equals one dime in value. So the nickel is 50% of the dime.
15 cents
A nickel is a five-cent United States coin. A dime is a ten-cent coin. Therefore, a nickel is half of a dime.
15 cent
quarter dime dime quarter quarter dime nickel nickel dime
The total value would be 15 cents. A nickel is 5¢ while the dime is 10¢.
A dime is smaller than a nickel. A nickel is worth less than a dime. A dime has a ridged side, while a nickel is smooth and thicker.
Yes, a nickel is half a dime!
A nickel equals 5 cents; the dime 10 cents. Two nickels equals one dime in value. So the nickel is 50% of the dime.
182 dimes and 1 nickel
15 cents
Mercury is the name of a dime only.
15 cents.
Dime: Franklin D. Roosevelt Nickel: Thomas Jefferson
$10 for a dime bag $20 for dubs $40 for a q $5 for a nickel bag
15.438 grams.
The dime had more cents.