5 twenties in 100, 35 twenties in 700
For a one hundred thousand dollars how many 20dollars do u need for that
One millon divided by 20
There are fifty million (50,000,000) 20 dollar bills in a billion dollars.
You would need 50,000 twenty-dollar bills. 1000000/20 = 50000
200,000 divided by 20 10,000
5 twenties in 100, 35 twenties in 700
For a one hundred thousand dollars how many 20dollars do u need for that
You have to divide 5 into 100 therefore the answer would be 20
You'd get 10, since 20 ten dollar bills would be 200 dollars. 200 divided by 20 is 10.
It would be $100
One millon divided by 20
Five 20 dollar bills makes 100 dollars.
There are fifty million (50,000,000) 20 dollar bills in a billion dollars.
100 pounds
$20, American.