The volume of a one-gallon milk jug is approximately 231 cubic inches. The volume of a quarter is about 0.069 cubic inches. Therefore, you could fit around 3,348 quarters in a one-gallon milk jug. With each quarter valued at $0.25, a one-gallon milk jug filled with quarters would amount to approximately $837.
15 quarters, as in 15/4? That would be 3.75 gallons.
About $4000 worth.
I have filled up 3 quart jars Of quarters, their value range from 176 dollars to 198 dollars I am trying to fill a quart jar with dimes but that takes a long time. I suspect that the dimes Will be worth more than the quarters Because they pack together tighter.
about $95.000
45 stacks!
Assuming the jug is filled to the brim with quarters, each quarter has a value of $0.25. A gallon can hold approximately 3,300 quarters, so a 3-gallon jug would hold around 9,900 quarters. Therefore, the total value of the quarters in the 3-gallon jug would be approximately $2,475.
A U.S. quarter weighs 5.67 grams, so a 5-gallon bucket (roughly 18.9 liters) filled with quarters would weigh approximately 50 pounds (22.7 kilograms).
A gallon of milk cost $1.01 in 1958
A Gallon of regular milk costed about $1.15 in the year 1970.
15 quarters, as in 15/4? That would be 3.75 gallons.
1 gallon
A gallon of milk weighs 8.6 pounds since 1 gallon is double the amount of a half gallon.
A gallon of milk is a necessity that people have in their homes on any given day. In 1969 a gallon of milk cost 1.25.
How much deos milk cost in pennsylvania
How much did milk cost in 2007? no answer it!