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Numerically the word is undecided, it represents a figure more than two but less than many in number

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Q: How much is in several days?
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Volcanic activity can continue for several days.

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As long as the bird is healthy, nothing will happen to the bird after several days. However, if the bird is sick, it could possible die after several days.

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As of several days ago, the Euro was equal to $1.26. So, 23E = $28.98.

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New concrete will need to cure for several days. Depending on how much weight it is going to hold, this should be postponed as many extra days as possible.

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Translation: Several Days OR Different Days

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The average among several cycles of lunar phases is 14.77 days.

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Someone can finish a 1000 piece puzzle in several hours, several days or several weeks. It all depends on how much time one spends on the puzzle and the difficulty of the puzzle.

Number of days it takes Maryland to extardite you from Massachusetts?

Sorry, no set time limit. It depends on how bad the person is wanted and how much money the state that wants them has. Could be a couple days to several weeks.

What is the life span of the Ebola victim?

It can be infectious in body fluids (such as blood) up to several days at room temperature.

Do pharmacists travel?

As much as possible. We also have some pharmacists who work at several different stores on different days - those are called "floating pharmacists."

How many days are several days?

That is just a general statement. There is no specific amount of days within "several days." This could be from 3 or 4 days to a year.

What type of fronts would cause several days of rain and clouds?

stationary fronts would most likely be responsible for several days of rain and clouds.