0.1 litre
A decilitre.
The prefix "deci-" means tenth, so a deciliter is one tenth of a liter. Thus, there are 10 deciliters in a liter.
A litre (liter) has 1000 mls, so divide by 10. So it's 100mls.
6.5 is one-tenth as much as 65.
0.1 litre
A deciliter is one-tenth (1/10) of a liter. It is equal to 100 milliliters.
A decilitre.
One-tenth of a liter is in a deci. The syllables 'deci' make up one of the prefixes in the ancient, classical Latin language. The prefix means 'one-tenth'. So a deciliter contains one-tenth of a liter.
100 millilitres
The prefix "deci-" means tenth, so a deciliter is one tenth of a liter. Thus, there are 10 deciliters in a liter.
3.381 oz
dl, standing for decilitre
One tenth of a liter is equal to 100 milliliters (ml).
A centiliter is 1/100 of a liter. The prefix "centi" means 1/100.
There are 0.1 decaliters in one liter.
A decaliter is 10 liters, so one tenth.