It would help answer this question f you mentioned which countries' pounds and dollars you meant. Without that information there is no way to give an answer.
One hundred thousand dollars.
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.
Three thousand three hundred and 00/100 dollars
Two Thousand and Fifty Dollars or $2050
one million seven hundred fifty thousand seven hundred fifty and 00/100
One hundred thousand dollars.
$1185076.13 US Dollars as at 27th February
$52,000.00 $250.00 $52,250.00
Seven hundred and fifty-seven million one hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty-six cents. Or, numerically, $757,152,497.86
Seven hundred and fifty-seven million one hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and ninety-seven dollars and eighty-six cents. Or, numerically, $757,152,497.86
The answer is Two hundred and ten thousand dollars.
Three thousand three hundred and 00/100 dollars
Four thousand, two hundred fifty dollars. For check writing: four thousand, two hundred fifty and 00/100 dollars
One thousand one hundred fifty and 00/100 dollars
In words, it would be: nine hundred fifty dollars In numbers, it would be: $950.00
five thousand five hundred dollars