you should probably weigh 95 to 110 pounds but if u think u weigh over weight u probabley dont so dont worry about how much you weigh just stay healthy:] you should probably weigh 95 to 110 pounds but if u think u weigh over weight u probabley dont so dont worry about how much you weigh just stay healthy:]
12" of #4 rebar = 0.668 lb/ft
62.4 pounds
18-ft x 11-ft = 198 square ft
3 ft = 1 yd 34 ÷ 3 = 11 r 1 → 34 = 11×3 + 1 34 ft = (11×3 + 1) ft = 11 × 3 ft + 1 ft = 11 yd 1 ft
5 ft 11 (180cm)
5 ft 11, 225 lbs
Green anacondas weigh 150 to 550 pounds, and are 15 to 30 ft long. Yellow anacondas weigh 40 to 120 pounds, and are 11 to 15 ft long.
80 kg
Anywhere from 110 pounds to 150 pounds.
90 to 100 pounds
about 100-110 lbs
Around 80-120 pounds. I am 4 ft 11 and 11 years old. I'm 99 pounds
I think that it depends on genetics and body composure.
Mao Zedong was the founder of the People's Republic of China. His height is listed as 5 ft and 11 inches.