The Beatles - 1965 Komm gib mir deine Hand She Loves You 1-22 was released on: USA: 19 February 1966
94 hours is equivalent to 3 days and 22 hours.
No published serial number data.
Gigabytes is the Wheel of Fortune bonus puzzle
It is 55.88 cm.
22 kilograms is equal to 48.5 pounds.
22 Celsius is equal to 71.6 Fahrenheit.
22 = 1 x 22, 2 x 11, 11 x 2, 22 x 1.
Look for the model number then find it on the related PlayStation link to determine your answer. You can also go there first and click the red letters "to find the PlayStation 3 model number" to find where your model number is located. see related link It is also in system information under the setting menu. It will not say that it is the 80 GB model, but it will tell you the available GB and the amount used. On my 320 GB model it says 298 GB available 58 GB remaining because I have 240 GB of the HDD filled with my downloads and Sony used 22 GB foe there software
22 inches is equal to 558.8 millimeters.
Well the Olmpics arn't over yet but so far its, China 36, USA and GB 22 I'm pretty sure :D