Five and seventy-seven hundredths
seven and five tenths
Four thousand five hundred and eighty seven point two
Seven hundred eighty-six point four two eight five seven.
"What is five thousand seven hundred sixty-five divided by thirty-eight?" Five thousand seven hundred sixty-five divided by thirty-eight is 151.71052631578947368421052631579
Fifty five cent
one hundred and five 5 = $75 1 = $15 7 = $105
7:45 seven forty five 745 seven hundred forty five
I would say "five -seven" or better yet "five feet seven inches"
7/5 x 2.45 = $3.43
Five and seven tenths as a fraction would be 5 7/10.
Cents are usually divided only to find a unit cost in manufacturing. The value would be written out "five and seven-hundredths cents." If this is US currency, the cents are the decimal part of the value. The spelling of $5.07 is "five dollars and seven cents."
Five point six two seven or five and six hundred twenty seven.
It would be 8 2/5.
Oh you know five or six...maybe seven