If you are 21 years old, you were born in 1990. (2011)
If you were born in 1991 you will turn 19 in 2010.
1990 - 2 = 1988
This is funny to me because I was born Jan. 13 1990. Last year I turned 19. Its 2010 now, and im 20.
Im Yoona was born on 1990-05-30.
Im Yoona is 27 years old (birthdate May 30, 1990).
If I was born in April 1990, I would be 31 years old.
You will be 23 years old in 2013. Anyone born in 1990 will turn 23 on their birthday in 1990.
Shelby Steven McEntire was born on February 23, 1990. Shelby is 21.
2012-1990 = 22 years old.
He wasn't born in 1990.
2013 - 1990 = 23 If you were born in 1990, you would be 23 in 2013.