You were born in 1993 (if the current year is 2017).
You would be 29 years old
Jorian is 24 years old.. he born 1987
You would be 13 years old
Oliver Tambo died on April 24, 1993 at the age of 75.
Blair Fowler is 24 years old (birthdate April 1, 1993).
Nathan Sykes is 24 years old (birthdate: April 18, 1993).
Kellin Quinn is 31 years old (born on April 24, 1986).
In April 2013, you would be 24.In April 2013, you would be 24.In April 2013, you would be 24.In April 2013, you would be 24.
24 years old
Ryan Nugent-Hopkins is 24 years old (birthdate April 12, 1993).
She was born in April 24, 1982 so she's 28 now .
Danny Gallivan was born on April 11, 1917 and died on February 24, 1993. Danny Gallivan would have been 75 years old at the time of death or 98 years old today.
Sachin Tendulkar is 37 years old. He was born on 24 April 1973.
Kevin Ware is 24 years old. He was born on January 3, 1993.
De'Anthony Thomas is 24 years old. He was born on January 5, 1993.