A person born in 1998 would turn 14 in 2012
18th birthday will be in 2016
Since it is (as I type) July 2011, you would reach your 50th birthday this month if you had been born in July 1961.
You would be 32 in July this year (2009)
She was born July 3, 1998.
You are now 19 years old.
You will be 12 right now
Sara Waisglass (Jordy in Overruled!) is 19 years old (born July 3, 1998).
Bindi is 12 years old. she was born in July 24 1998. in Australia
14 years old. Born July 30, 1998
Madison Pettis was born on 22 July 1998 and is currently 23 years old, in 2021.
You would be 12 (and a bit).
Jett Eaton is 18 years old (born July 24, 1998).
"Bretman Rock" is 18 years old (born July 31, 1998).
Jaden Smith is 12 years old. He was born on July 8, 1998.