If you were born in 1966, you would have celebrated your 19th birthday in 1985 !
if you born 10-20-1985 how old are you
You would be 25 years old because 2012-1985=27
2010-25=1985 You would've been born in 1985.
you would be 22 years old
if you born 10-20-1985 how old are you
Scott Michael Foster is 25 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1985).
You are 43 years old.
Roberto Luco was born in 1985.
born may 16 1966,so she is 45 yeas old
Well take 2011 and subtract 1966 and you with get the answer! 2011 -1966 ______ 45
If you were born in 1985 you would have been 18 or turning 18.
Mike Richards was born on February 11, 1985.
If you were born in 1985, and the current year is 2022, then you would be 37 years old.
You would be 25 years old because 2012-1985=27