Well, isn't that a happy little question! If you were born in 1994 and we're painting in the year 2012, you would be 18 years old. Just a young sapling starting to grow and bloom on your artistic journey! Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents along the way.
To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
In future, you can calculate ages by subtracting the year of birth from the time it is now (or the year in which the story is set) like this: 2012 - 1994 ________ 18 Or, you can calculate the year of birth by subtracting age from the time it is now: 2012 - 18 ______ 1994
16If you are born in 1994 you would be 16 i believe16
You had (or will have) your 10th birthday in 2012.
If you are 15 you were born in 1994
As of May 2012, you would be 18
To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
To turn 18 in 2012, you need to have been born in 1994.
At the time of answering (11 August 2012) you are 18.
you would be 18 like justin bieber he sucked 18 dudes on the 1st of march 2012
In 2012, it is possible to be an 18 year old born in 1993 or 1994, except on December 31st, when all people born in 1993 will have completed 19, and the only option is 1994.
Dakota Fanning, born February 23, 1994, is 18 years old as of today, March 26, 2012.
You turn 18 on your birthday in 2012, and you stay 18 until your birthday in 2013.
Freddie was born in 1994, so he should be around the age of 19 or 20.
I'm only going to do until 2012 so if your in 2009, your 15 years old, 2010, 16 years old, 2011, 17 years old and 2012, your 18 years old.
In future, you can calculate ages by subtracting the year of birth from the time it is now (or the year in which the story is set) like this: 2012 - 1994 ________ 18 Or, you can calculate the year of birth by subtracting age from the time it is now: 2012 - 18 ______ 1994
This would depend on what part of 2012 you are interested in. He was born December 17, 1994. This would put him currently at 17. December 17th he will be 18.