62 and a half years old.
61 or 62 depending on your birthday.
If you were born in 1938, you are 75 years old now.
20 years old
His father was born 14 November 1948, and is now 64 years old.
In order to currently be 61 years old, the person would have to have been born in either 1948 or 1949. If the person was born between January and Today in the year 1949 or born between Today and December of 1948, then they would be 61 years old today.
Chris Old was born on December 22, 1948.
It depends on what month you were born in. If one was born between Jan-March 30, 1948 they would be 62 years old If they were born anytime after March 31, 1948 (from todays date) they would still be 61 years old.
64 years old.
64 years old. He was born on 1948
Lionel Edward Rose was born on June 21st of 1948.That means that he is 62 years old until June 21st of this year (2011).
If you were born in April 14 1948 and today is mars 14 2009. you'd be 60 years 11 months old.