50 years old
This depends on the day in which the question refers to in 2010, and which day the persoon was born on. If the day on which the person was born on is prior to the current day, then the person is 74 years old. If the day on which the person was born on is after the current day, then the person is 73 years old.
114.16 years old
a person in the nineties
Earl Old Person was born in 1929.
The "person" would be approx 18,602 years old.
i don't think there can be an old person omearth
that person is 62 years old
An eighty year old person is typically referred to as an octogenarian.
A "nonagenarian" is a person who is 90 through 99 years old.
A 60 year old person can be called a sexagenarian, but only if you what to use an excessive number of syllables.
It is OK for a 18 years old person to date with a 5 years old person.
To present year 2010, that person would be 32 years old.
A person who has lived for a million years would be a million years old.
It means "half as old." For ages, if one person is twice as old as another, the other person is half as old. A four-year-old car is half as old as an eight-year-old car.