In 2014, you would turn 59 years old if you were born in 1955.
A person born in 1955 will turn 57 in 2012 but that will have no effect on your age.
I would be 59 years old.
As of October 2010, someone born in 1954 is 55 years old.
54 years old.
57 if they have had their birthday in 2012, 56 otherwise.
In 2014, you would turn 59 years old if you were born in 1955.
In 1956 I will be one year old. In 1957 I will be two years old. In 1966 I will be (1965-1955)=10 years old. In 2006 I will be (2005-1955)=50 years old. In 2010 I will be (2010-1955)=55 years old.
just subtract 2011-1955 (you would be 56)
Assuming the current month, June 2010, a person born in March 1955 will be 55 years old.
A person born in 1955 will turn 57 in 2012 but that will have no effect on your age.
55 years