Someone born October 23, 2000 was 12 years old on their birthday in 2012.
They turn 13 on their birthday in 2013, and 14 on their birthday in 2014.
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
As of October 2010, someone born in 1954 is 55 years old.
As of June 2010, someone born in November 2000 would be nine years old.
A person born in 1958 will turn 58 in 2016.
As of April 2011, someone born on this date would be 32 years old.
As of October, someone born in October 1952 will be 59 years old.
She was born 22nd of October 2000
A person born in October 1983 would be 25 years old.
As of October 2010, someone born in 1954 is 55 years old.
11 born october 30 2000
Willow Smith is 17 years old (birthdate: October 31, 2000)
35 yrs old
She was born on October 31, 2000, which means she will be 12 years old in 2013 or 13 if past October
Dima Bashar is 10 years old. She was born on October,10 2000.
As of August 5, 2010, someone born on October 25, 1991 would be 18 years old.
As of June 2010, someone born in November 2000 would be nine years old.