Someone born in 1977 turned 36 on their birthday in 2013, and ... - 37 on their birthday in 2014 - 38 on their birthday in 2015 - 39 on their birthday in 2016 - 40 on their birthday in 2017
Someone who turned 36 in 2013 was born in 1977.
39 = 23 + 16 = 2016 - 1977 This year will be 39th birthday
In 1977.
Someone born in 1977 turned 36 on their birthday in 2013, and ... - 37 on their birthday in 2014 - 38 on their birthday in 2015 - 39 on their birthday in 2016 - 40 on their birthday in 2017
Someone who turned 36 in 2013 was born in 1977.
1977 minus 1965 would make them 12 years old.
2010 minus 1977 is 33
Born in 1977 in Valence!
33. He was born in 1977
if you are 31 years old and its 2011 then you would be born in 1977
Plies was born the year of 1977 and he is 31 yrs. Old
39 = 23 + 16 = 2016 - 1977 This year will be 39th birthday
1977!!! He's 32 years old!!! pretty old to be on Disney channel, haha lol